Months after moult, still no eggs


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 22, 2011
I have an EE, a BR and a PR. All had been fantastic layers until the moult which started in late September. The PR continued to lay and didn't moult, but the other two took a sabbatical. So... one egg a day from "Eve" and the others were getting their strength back. Now Eve has stopped laying. I can hardly blame her. The other two have had their feathers back and beautiful for at least a month or more. The BR started laying for about three days (about a month ago) and then stopped again. They are all bright eyed and energetic. They ring the sleighbell at my door for BOSS. In other words, they are happy girls who seem to have forgotten this part of their lives. I am down to ONE egg which I dare not use. Any thoughts? What am I looking at here? What could possibly be causing this level of delay? Could it be a parasite? If so, can you tell me the proportion of apple cider to water? Any other thoughts? Thanks in advance!
p.s. No one is broody.
Are you supplementing light to 'lengthen' the daylight hours? Where are you located and how old are the birds?
I am not supplementing light. I was hoping to let them go through this naturally and I don't have electric hookup to where there coop is. We live in Austin, Texas. They are 13 months old and were all three fantastic layers.
There is no need to add light unless you want maximum production. The hens that started molting in September should be starting back up soon. It depends on the hen how quickly they start back up. I have some hens that start up after 2 months, some that are in the 3-4 month range, and some (English Orps) that take the whole winter off.
My girls are just now starting to lay again after going through the full monte molt last October. To hear the egg song again was like music to my ears. All are beautifully feathered again and though it be Winter, we are on the side of more day light hours. Keep the faith, keep em spoiled.
My Barred Rocks had just finished recovering from their moult around the first week of Dece,ber. I gave them a good amount of extra protein. I gave them the scraps from roast pork and I gave them some inexpensive cat food. Just watch the type of wet cat food you use because some are higher in sodium. I also gave them some scrambled (store bought) eggs. I concentrated on bulking up their diet on protein and it really helped. When they finished their moult, their combs and wattles were noticeably smaller and not that bright red. After a couple weeks of giving them some extra protein they looked (and still do) wonderful and they began laying! This was right around the 21st which is the shortest daylight hours!

I agree with staying away from the added light. I just believe in letting their bodies do what is natural for them. Producing eggs is a lot of work, so letting them have "light duty" during the shorter daylight months is okay with me. Try supplementing their diet with added protein for a couple weeks and see if that doesn't make a difference for you.

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