More ducks dead and paralyzed. Botulism?

The duck father_

Jan 11, 2022
Ten dead now. They're always either paralyzed or have parts paralyzed. I'm getting a culture done on one of them. The Muscovy in this photo thankfully looks better after some TLC charcoal chick starter and probiotics his neck is not locked anymore and he can move. There are now three in that are currently still alive but sick. Is there anything else I can do to help them? I feel so helpless just seeing my pets die like this. Symptoms are Increased thirst, paralysis, limberneck, trouble breathing, off balance, green poop that fades to normal color. They die within 12 hours of showing symptoms usually...

I would contact your state lab and have a necropsy done.

It does sound like a toxin of some sort. What does their diet look like? How often do you clean feeders? Any chance they got to moldy feed or any sort of poison?

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