More sunlight=fewer eggs???


10 Years
Mar 29, 2009
All winter long I was getting a steady supply of eggs. Up to a dozen a day (14 hens). I was thrilled with this and couldn't believe it especially because I didn't hang a light. But, since the nice weather has finally arrived I get 4?!! I just don't get it. I have changed their feed to an organic mash but when laying diminished I started mixing their usual layer feed back in and they get to free range (I've checked everywhere thinking they started laying somewhere else but can't find anything). If anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate them.
It is possible they are laying and one of two things is happening. They are laying and hiding them. Or they are laying and getten eaten. I have 10 outside of my fenced pature. I hear them all day long doing their little laying cackle anouncing to the world they layed an egg. I go out around 5 in the afternoon to do all my chores and find zero from where they are always calling. I figure they or something is eating them. I have caught my pry taking off with one a couple of times.
The same thing has happened to me. I was getting a very decent amount all winter and now the past 2 weeks (snow is melted and they are free ranging) I am getting less than half the eggs! I can't figure out why either. I'm sure they are not laying somewhere and no predators are stealing eggs. There were several other people who posted the same problem here over the past few weeks.

I'm just going to wait it out and I'm sure they will pick up production again. What else can I do?
I kept them in today to reacquaint them with their nesting boxes in case they are laying somewhere else. When I went to let them out for the evening, boy did they tell me off but there were 9 eggs as apposed to the 4 I've been getting the past few days. I don't know if it is just a coincidence or if it really is that they are laying somewhere I can't find.
I kept mine in yesterday till 1PM and I got 4 eggs. I think they are eating too much bird seed from under my feeders and not getting mostly layer feed. I have stopped putting out birdseed so the girls can't get any and I have put out a bowl of layer mash for them instead. Today I got 4 eggs again. Hopefully I can correct this problem soon!
I never thought about the birdseed. Hmmm... My chickens go immediately to the bird-feeder to clean up after the wild birds too. I never put those 2 things together.
I've noticed a marked decrease in egg production. My main pen of girls looks moth eaten, so I'm guessing a soft molt is the cause. Sure hope they get over it and get back on track. I've got people who want eggs, but I don't have enough
Me too! I'm going to cover their dust bathing areas in DE too and do a good spring cleaning in case of mites. I've inspected several hens and haven't seen any but have seen a few plucking at their behinds.

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