More than 1 egg per chicken???


9 Years
Apr 15, 2010
SE Wisconsin
Is it possible to get more than one egg per chicken? We have 6 Production Reds born this March. I am almost possitive that I brought in 2 eggs this morning and this evening I am sure I brought in 5. I know tha I did not miss any yesterday.

Also, is it odd for them to lay around 10:30 am instead of early in the am?

Thanks for your help.
Hello We are newbies to chickens so we don't know a whole lot and most of what we have learned has been from some of the fantastic people on here that don't don't mind helping out..We are still waiting on eggs our girls are 18weeks now.

I just wanted to say in regards to your post that our neighbor has one hen that just started laying and she lays every morning like clock work between 10 and 11am.And she never makes a sound.

Take care!
My EE laid TWO BLUE EGGS on her first try about two weeks ago (see pic) and another egg the next day, and after that, she has not laid since. Don't know what her deal is but yes, they CAN lay more than one egg at a time.
I have a superstar Leghorn that started laying at 19 weeks, has laid every day since then (over a month), and has given us two eggs in one day and one double-yolk. The other girls are doing fine too - and waiting now for the two Plymouth Rocks to crank up the egg works! The eggs are still on the small side, which actually is fine with me, but my understanding is they'll get bigger over time, correct?

I was just talkin' bout this with my friend, & she said it was impossible, but I'm thinkin' it might not bird, a Lorp, laid on the 17th, her first, & may have laid two eggs yesterday...& yes, like cluck work, @ 2pm...

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