Most Beautiful Roosters Contest 2012

Thank you very much! He's a great little boy. He reminds me of fall with his colors. Cochin Roos are my fav

They're my fav 2.

This is Bo. He is just your basic Buff Orp, but his feathers glisten in the sun and he is the best rooster ever! He stands proud and tall.
Wouldn't trade him for the world!

Henny Penny is an unknown breed. I was given him when all thought he was a she...hence his name. He was the sweetest roo, very good with the hens who all loved him, and also very good with the babies. I can only guess his breed or mix and Im guess OEG and cochin based on the offspring he produced. He was a beauty inside and out and was sadly killed in folly by dogs. My hens and I miss him terribly.

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