Most docile breed


Feb 10, 2017
Pacific Northwest
What breeds are you chickens that are most docile with one another? We have an EE and a BCM that are feather plucking my other mellow EE and my mellow PBR. The naughty EE isn't laying eggs at all and the BCM only lays sporadically. They have to go. We're looking for some hopefully mellow birds to replace them. Good egg production is a plus.

It's tough to say, it really can depend on the individual bird. My Jersey Giants are super docile but not the best layers. My Orpingtons are fairly docile now but only since they started laying, also one has already gone broody and they aren't even a year old yet. My Black Australorps are also docile and seem to be pretty decent layers so far. So my vote would go for a Black Australorp!
It has more to do with the individual bird than the breed.
It can also have to do with the environment they live in, crowded birds are crabby birds.
Adding birds can cause more stress and disharmony, so swapping out birds will not necessarily solve your problem...and the sweet mellow low in the pecking order birds can turn into terrors when new bird(s) arrives.

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