Most friendly chicken breeds

I love leghorns! they are perfect chickens and are very lovable.
I second the Speckled Sussex. By far the friendliest breed I've come across. Mine would walk right into the kitchen and right up to me... so funny.
You need to keep in mind that each bird has it's own personality. The friendliest bird in my first year flock was a RIR. I got three more the second year and none of them are very friendly. Many people here on BYC say RIR are not friendly. My friendliest bird that I currently have is a SLW. I am going to get 2 or 3 more this year but I have no way to know if they will be as friendly. Several of my EE's are friendly but not all of them are. The friendliest bird I ever had was a white leghorn rooster. He loved to be held. I am allowed to keep roosters but out of consideration for nearby neighbors I rehome any roosters. And this rooster was very vocal. We were sad to see him go.

Also be aware that their personalities change as they get older. It seems like they change several times in the first few weeks. In my experience the majority are NOT friendly from a few weeks old until they start laying. After they start laying then they tend to get friendlier. And after their first major molt as adult birds some of them change again.
My girls are still tiny but my Buff Orpington is by far the sweetest. She lives for cuddles. Our Barred Rock is definitely warming up to us as well. One of our Easter Eggers is friendly on her own terms, but it ends there. Our RIRs are not very friendly. Speckled Sussex and Wyandotte have not shown us a strong preference either.
I have 2 plymouth barred rocks, red sex link, black australorp, and salmon faverolles. By far, my faverolles are the most friendly, and actually demand snuggling sometimes! I was a bit surprised by how much they want to be held.
Ive asked this question to all my chicken owning neighbors and numerous forums. I wanted to have very docile friendly birds. But I also wanted very good egg production. The most votes went to Orpingtons and Australorps. So I got 16 chicks. 8 of each. So, I guess I'll find out for sure as they grow. So far I have 2 Australorp chicks that are the friendliest. The come running when the see me.
Out of what I have...

Barred Rocks - The most friendly and sweet! Not to mention, they are so soft!!!! They will also quietly talk to me when I pick them up, which I love!

Ameracanas- The next friendliest birds!
I have one that is a whiney little snot when you dare pick her up, though.

Rhode Island Reds - If these were good meat birds, they'd be going to the chopping block in a few months.
I suppose I'll give them a chance to redeem themselves with their good laying ability!

Amber Links (or so they told me, but a few are lookin' like Delawares; only time will tell) - Not as friendly as my BR, but not as rude as my RIR either. They are decently quiet, though. We like them so far!

That is my limited experience.
[COLOR=000033]I have a lot of different chicken breeds (both LF and Bantam).[/COLOR]
[COLOR=000033]By far the most friendly and demanding of attention are the d'Uccles![/COLOR]
[COLOR=000033]They have a "need" to be held at all times.[/COLOR]

I had a d'uccle rooster that was extremely friendly! Poor thing passed away very young.. :(

Other than them, I think my barred rock is super friendly, though my production red is as well. My silkies are not nearly as friendly as I thought they would be - they run if they know they are going to be picked up (if they can see).. My Buff Orpington really is not as friendly as I'd hoped.

My cochins are very sweet. All three of them!

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