(Mostly) finished the coop today!


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 14, 2012
Santa Cruz, CA
My boyfriend built this beautiful coop for my birthday, and we just finished painting it! It's a modified purina coop, enlarged to 4x8'. Only thing we would do different- we disagreed about the colors, so we tried to compromise. BAD DECISION- we are both not pleased with the colors. We should have just argued about it and one of us would have won. Instead we tried to compromise and it looks like a schoolhouse ;-)

I'm still really pleased with it, and I'm so glad our pullets have a great place to stay.

Nice birthday gift
Looks Great !
I would guess you could keep about 6 hens comfortably in that coop. It looks great. Good Luck.
I would guess you could keep about 6 hens comfortably in that coop. It looks great. Good Luck.

They have a sizeable run behind the coop, and the next stage is adding a small additional run below the coop, so they could go outside when it's raining hard. Do you still think we should stick with 6 hens? I've seen so much conflicting info about how many hens per sqft.

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