Mothers Day chicken murder... and rant


11 Years
Apr 13, 2009
Murrayville, IL
My DD19 got a pure lab dog as a gift from boyfriend. Told her that if the dog grew up to be aggressive to chickens it would have to go or she would have to buy a kennel for her. She threw a fit and said no kennel. I said ok we will see how she does tied up. all was well (7 -8 months).... until we went to town and to family supper. when we got home Sofie(the lab) was chewing on something in the yard and not tied up obviously had gotten loose somehow.
Well... it was Clair one of my original hens I started off with and had a comb injury(that is why we know it is her).

I injured my back and have been in allot of pain and I have a high pain tolerance, so for me to be down is bad. I went out to the coop and gave a quick look and the rest of chickens looked upset but ok. as far as I could tell. Picked up Clair got the "chicken hospital" out and treated her wounds. She didnt look too bad no real "puncture" wounds but you can tell she had been gnawed on and feathers pulled out. She was mostly in shock I think. she seems to be doing ok.

Then today DD13 goes to feed and water and finds a feathered wing and bone in the coop. Evidentially Sofie had already killed and eaten at least one of my black EE hens that I just finally started getting colored eggs from.

I am so p***ed because I am hurt and cant go out and do anything. DR thinks I may have herniated a disc. So wants me off my feet and icing my back and do nothing till I see him again tomorrow. Hoping it is just irritated the nerves and rest and ice will reduce swelling and reduce pain. Wanted me off work all week of course I said no way so we compromised on 1 day. My DD13 was with me and he said I know you have chickens and rabbits and allot to do and need to not do anything. DD13 pipes up and says "I will do it all for her" What a wonderful young lady I have!!

not sure what to do. I wouldn't let chickens out today. I am just so frustrated.

end of rant for now.
Just a thought - could something else have killed and eaten the chicken who's remains were found? Generally, it seems, when dogs go on a killing spree, they kill many and don't eat them. I'd also talk to DD19 about training the dog so if she gets loose again, she maybe won't mess with the birds. Our lab is great with the birds, but he was taught when we got him (7weeks old) to leave them alone. Eight years later, and no problems. Your 13yo sounds like a real sweetie.
The dog is not going to be able to be trained to leave the chickens alone, been there done that and it's hopeless and many other people on here will tell you the same. Sounds like the dog should be rehomed OR buy her a cage, a very secure cage when she is outside, I myself have a chicken killing dog and have had to make changes so that my chickens are safe, it can be done BUT the day will come when even being careful is not a guarantee.
Remind your 19yo dd that it is a kennel or bye-bye dog.Anything else means your previous warning was meaninglessWhen you set rules you need to follow through when the time comes.Me, I would get rid of it,and if my child (adult child) did not like it then they could move with the dog. Best of luck in dealing with this.
Given that it appeared that the dog accidentally got loose, I'd cut some slack. Mainly because my relationship with my kids is far more important to me than a couple of chickens. Accidents happen.
That is fine as long as she realizes it WILL happen again, I am so careful with my dog and despite that things happen, a chicken gets out and he sees it before me....personally I don't think dogs should be tied out anyway, caged for part of the day fine, but tied out all the time is no life, maybe the dog would be better in a home he can run and enjoy life...I don't blame the dog
I think you should tell your daughter to get a kennel or the dog is gone. You gave the dog a chance and your DD knew the what would happen if the dog attacked your chickens. Time to follow through in my opinion.

I am sorry for your loss
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I'm just not convinced that the dog got the first one. As I stated in an earlier post - dogs will generally kill sevearal, not just kill and eat one. Either way, I hope the OP and her daughter can work things out (dog out while chickens are in, dog in while chickens are out) so they can both have their pets and keep a good relationship. The relationship is far more important than anything else.
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