Mothers Day chicken murder... and rant

hotwire run for the dog. Cheap, nearly invisible. Will not keep chickens out of the dog run, however. Chickens are not that smart and you would still wander into the electrified dog run.
For those of you that thought it might not have been the dog, well she struck again. A chicken didn't go back to the coop(was in the pool hole, where the pool use to be and will be again but isn't right now) and DD13 turned her loose and she killed it. Soooo now what to do? Pen the dog or rehome??? We will have to see what happens either hubby builds a pen if he wants to keep her or she goes byby
Not to sound mean, but I knew that was coming, chickens either have to be penned in a very secure pen or the dog has to go, you Can have a chicken killing dog, I do, but its work and you Can't be careless
In your particular situation where, if the dog gets loose it apparently has access to the chickens at times, I would re-home the dog. If you can arrange things so the chickens have a safe, dog proof coop/run and the dog has it's own run as well then you can make it work.

Lab's are high energy, active dogs who don't lend well to sitting around in a pen or kennel all day unless they are given several intense exercise periods during the day. You may well end up with a dog with nasty habits like digging out or sitting around barking it's head off all day and night.

I have kept both dogs and chicken's for bazillion's of years and they just don't have access to each other, ever. And I've never lost a chicken to a dog. It's easy to do with the benefit of everybody gets to keep their home and family member's don't become at odd's with each other.

Good luck! Hope you find a solution that works for you. I love my dogs and dogs in general but they sure can be a pain in the butt!
I realize that and dd13 that was home and "in charge" feels horrible that she forgot to check the pool area again before turning the dog loose. She loves the chickens and met me at the door crying that it was her fault ectect . The dog was "lose all day until 4 when she got home and she tied her up and let the chickens out. Then put the chickens up at dusk and let the dog loose again. this one chicken happen to slip through the red tap so to say.

Since first incident chickens have not been loose unless someone was home to "supervise".

Dog has proven that she cannot be trusted at all..

day before yesterday she was tied up and the chickens were out and the were all going and cuddling up with her and all was fine but at the first chance she got.....well you know the rest of the story...

I will stop ranting now... I know it is my responsibility ultimately for MY chickens safety.
REHOME the dog. I had to do that with my Great Pyr. Found her a great home on a farm with no chickens.

Chickens are defenseless against predators. It is our job to protect them.
Yikes, I am not going to tell you how I would handle this, but I know all about back pain. Get well soon.
Whenever the dog isn't in the house under supervision, i would just keep it chain up outside, a good strong chain the dog can't break.
This way you can keep the dog and let your hens out.Just don't make the chain rope to long.
I just rehomed a dog we had for a attacked a hen...the kids know that ANY animal that comes in the door has to pass the "chicken" test. Meaning, if it harms a chicken (duck or turkey) It's gone...I love my kids as well as any mom...but it was harder dealing with CONSTANTLY watching a dog every second it was out( and was unfair to the dog to be constantly hooked or in the house),than explaining to the kids it had to go.I have put so much energy,money and time into my birds and the kids know it's mom's "hobby"....and since I am Mom, they have to deal with it.Don't get me wrong, I battled over it and dealt with it for 6 months...before I finally had enough. We also found the dog a good home which took time.
But if I was dealing with a 19 year old that didn't DO anything with "her" dog? It would be much easier to say...kennel...or GONE.She might get mad,but you're her mom...she'll still love you and one day understand.
Hope it works out well for you,your kids,your chickens and the dog

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