
This is Grant on the left, father of Ziggy, second from the right and Ziggy's sisters and mom and aunts. I really need to move Ziggy to a breeding pen with some of Rascal's daughters but haven't found one that I like so far (tractor, not daughters!). I do have one that I like but I have Silkie and Mottled pullets in there and don't want to move either breed out but all are laying and I know they need to be in breeding pens. Have you ever had that dilemma?
I am almost to the point I will throw Dan the Man out of his breeding pen and let him free range with the big birds since I haven't gotten a fertile egg from him all winter.
I really want to put my handsome Ziggy into breeding. He is going on 9 months old.

The wind is blowing horribly here today so photos are not as nice as I would like them.
And yes, I know he doesn't have as many points on his comb as needed for proper showing but I personally prefer only about 3 points, no more than 4 and if I had my druthers, I would wish for a smaller comb on him. I love him and I only breed for fun, not perfection. In my eyes all of mine are perfect.

I am glad you like it. I would love to use it on one of mine but my brother in law is named Randy and well....we just won't go into that. In laws!

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