All washed up and no where to go!
Our local poultry show was cancelled due to water pipes busting and flooding our arena so the girls have been staying in the house and enjoying the human company with no where to show it off. I will put them back outside today since it is warming back up and in a few weeks we will do it all again for another show.

You could photograph them to enter in the Cochins International Online show. I think entries are accepted Feb 1-7 if I remember correctly.
Chicken washing time! I'm trying to decide how long I need to wait before putting them back outside in their coops. I blow dried them as well as possible and am letting them air dry, but it is in the 20s today so I don't want to rush things if they are still slightly damp in places.


I waited a few days here until it warmed back into the 50s so they could acclimate back easier but I might have been a bit over cautious.
Chicken washing time! I'm trying to decide how long I need to wait before putting them back outside in their coops. I blow dried them as well as possible and am letting them air dry, but it is in the 20s today so I don't want to rush things if they are still slightly damp in places.

I like them too!
I just ordered my 1st Mottled Cochins lat night! I ordered because they r adorable!! But the more I read, the more I'm thinking about adding a few more!! :)

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