Looks mottled
I have a mottled frizz in my chick brooder right now.
I was surprised to see its wing feather curl as it is my fav lil mottled chick born. Super sassy and lots of white so the curls was icing on the cake. Now I hope its a girl
Not all chicks from a frizzle/smooth mating will be frizzle, usually about half of them so you might end up with some smooth blacks. If you plan on breeding them you will want to either breed a smooth cock to all frizzle hens, or a frizzle cock to all smooth hens, not frizzle + frizzle or they will not have healthy offspring. Sometimes young blacks have a small amount of white spotting. Mottled will have a white tuxedo at first where their whole chest, neck and face is white. They also look a bit different as young chicks, in my experience anyway.

Chicks in the pastel basket are black, chicks in the orange basket are mottled (one in the middle is self-blue mottled).
Not all chicks from a frizzle/smooth mating will be frizzle, usually about half of them so you might end up with some smooth blacks. If you plan on breeding them you will want to either breed a smooth cock to all frizzle hens, or a frizzle cock to all smooth hens, not frizzle + frizzle or they will not have healthy offspring. Sometimes young blacks have a small amount of white spotting. Mottled will have a white tuxedo at first where their whole chest, neck and face is white. They also look a bit different as young chicks, in my experience anyway. Chicks in the pastel basket are black, chicks in the orange basket are mottled (one in the middle is self-blue mottled).
So sweet!!
I believe I have a MOTTLED COCHIN here. Still trying to figure out if it is a roo or not. Its 12 weeks old, not crowing and the lot were vent sexed as all female when I got them. I know there is a margin for error but I'm still holding out for it to be a hen. Thoughts?



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