

In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 28, 2013
Isle Of Wight,UK
When do chckens moult. I have 2 exchequer leghorns who live together,each morning there are a number of feathers in there coop,they are both 21 weeks old they are eating well.Just a little concerned about these feathers,new to chicken keeping so any replies will be helpful,thanks.
When do chckens moult. I have 2 exchequer leghorns who live together,each morning there are a number of feathers in there coop,they are both 21 weeks old they are eating well.Just a little concerned about these feathers,new to chicken keeping so any replies will be helpful,thanks.
They dont moult untill their second year, also when they do its usually between October and the end of December. (thats when mine do it anyways)
While chicks grow they go through three juvenile molts. At 21 weeks and being slower growing fall, chicks yours may well be finishing up the last juvenile molt. It could also be someone is pulling feathers.

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