Mountain Peep's Awesome Chat Thread! (All friends welcome!)

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I got 2 go! Night guys!
It fit. XD
He's...David.A dream and a nightmare all in one person. :lau


I use to have one of those!!! His name was D.O.A.S (pronounced like dough   as) because of the Doctor Who episode Dinosaurs on a Spaceship.  

Oh yeah, I think I remember you saying you had to give him away? Correct me if I'm wrong. XD

I am getting rabbits around easter. Any tips?

I have a bunch of tips: :lol:
- Give them lots of space to roam, don't isolate them to a hutch.
- Give them space to burrow, but make sure they don't escape.
- Don't use this food:

The rabbits will become picky and only eat the high sugar pieces, making them obese (it's happened to me before). Instead, feed pellets.
- Visit them often, let them associate you with food and healthy treats (don't feed rabbits seed, that makes them fat). Then, they'll come for cuddles.
- Always keep more than one water bottle attached to the cage/hutch/run, to prevent dehydration.
- Always, always, make sure your rabbits have hay. It's bedding and helps them keep their teeth in check.
- Make sure you don't have any poisonous plants around, I guarantee the rabbits will try to eat them (even though, most of the time, they know better).
- Check daily for illnesses. Just to be safe.

I think that's most of the important stuff. If you need help, I'll always be happy to help you! ^-^
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