Move her or let her sit


Feb 9, 2017
Northwest Ohio
I have a broody hen sitting on 7 eggs in our coop. (This is the 2nd time 1st time didn't go well.) My question is do I leave her in the coop or do I move her to a lower area? The last time she stayed in the coop the other hens pecked her comb til it bled. My other concern is the nesting box she is in Is a good 2 -2.5 ft off the ground and I'm worried when the chicks hatch they won't be able to get up and down safely. What should I do? She just started sitting today.
If you've had problems in the past with her setting in the coop, I'd move her. However, I would wait until she has been setting a couple of days to make sure she is serious. I've always thought it easiest to move a broody so other hens aren't fighting for her nesting spot and adding eggs to her clutch. You don't want a bunch of eggs with a bunch of different hatch dates. When you move her, it would be wise to get her in a spot on the ground so the chicks can get back up under her when they hatch. This will also prevent any falls from an elevated nest. Good luck!
I had a similar question, last month - although my broody was not getting picked on my the other hens in the coop, I was concerned about the nest box being several feet off the ground (with a ramp for access).

Since my broody was a bantam, the advice I got was to make a partition with a opening small enough for the broody to get in and out, but that would exclude the big hens from the nest box. If your hen is full size, that won't work.

I ended up leaving her in the nest box, where she hatched her chick. I put food and water in the next box area for them both. Two days later I found that she and her chick had made their way safely down to the floor of the run. I'm not sure how they did it, but the chick didn't get hurt.

Only you can make the best decision for your broody, but if you think she is going to get hurt by the other hens, you might want to move her for her protection.

What didn't go well last time? Did she abandon the eggs? Was she pushed off the nest box?

For me, my main concern was that my broody might abandon the egg if I move her. She's a young hen, and it was her first time being broody.

I'm sure someone else can give you more seasoned advice, and I wish you and your broody a successful hatch.
Thanks yes she got off the nest when the chicks were hatching and they got cold and died. I managed to successfully hatch one. That is until it knocked the cover off the broader and flew out and the dog thought he would help by bringing it to us.
Thanks yes she got off the nest when the chicks were hatching and they got cold and died. I managed to successfully hatch one. That is until it knocked the cover off the broader and flew out and the dog thought he would help by bringing it to us.
Oh, that is sad. I'm so sorry. It can be awfully hard to bring chicks safely into the world.

Is there any way you can move the other hens who might disturb her and leave her in peace where she is, or is that not practical?
I wait a few days before moving my Hen. I set up a Brooder in my garage, build the nest on the floor out of straw and shavings, Collect the eggs and put into the nest. I then get the Hen and walk away till she settles on the nest. I also move my Hen during the day.
I'm so I can't really move the other hens that may bother her. Was wondering if I could put a small pet carrier on the roost to block the other hens or possibly build s fence out of chicken wire to keep them away. Here is a pic of what I have. As you can tell my coop isn't very wide 6' . That's mamma on the bottom box on the end.

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