Mar 11, 2019
Morning, Chicken Friends!!
We are putting up a new fence to house large animals on our new farm. I decided that I could use the same energizer for the chicken netting and the new electric fence if I moved the chickens down the hill. So, Monday evening, we did just that.
But, when it came time for the chickens to put themselves to “bed”, no one knew where to go. So we carried them.....all 38 of them. That was a chore!! Then, last night, the same thing happened—there were 7 in the coop and the rest were in the area where the old coop had been. My husband is not thrilled about toting chickens every night, and I’m not very interested in it either.
I figure someone else has had to move the coop before......any suggestions on getting them used to their new home??
Also, they did lay their eggs in the coop at the new location yesterday, so they do at least partly realize that’s their home.....
Thanks in advance!!!
I have left them in the coop longer
than normal this morning. But they are magicians and figure a way to get out of the netting fence
I know it is a hassle rounding up nearly 40 birds every night.

Once the "leaders" start going in the new house they will follow along.

One thing that may help.....
Try passing out a treat just before roosting time inside the new coop. They should come running. :D

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