Movie quotes

It's been over 4 hours. Time to Google.

My name is Lester Burnham
American Beauty. Another movie I haven't seen.

Come on folks, you're letting SW down.

There goes Roy Hobbs
The Natural. Don't think I saw that one either.

All I'm trying to do is keep things caught up.

I was imagining I was Lady Cordelia Fitzgerald
My wife got it. Anne of Green Gables.
I thought googling was cheating. Is it okay after 4 hours? Gee, a rule I missed.
Dac, right, right, right. And your wife is a person with good taste, LOL. My DD and I loved Anne.

You need to see American Beauty if you like Kevin Spacey. I've seen it about 7 times now.
Hmm, did I miss a rule on a thread I started. I don't remember any rules. Who made up the rules?

Rules, we don't need no stinking rules.

I don't know. I wait a respectable amount of time and then fill in some gaps. And, there are a lot of unnamed quotes still out there.

SW, you sure put up some good ones. All I can think of is Princess Bride and Monty Python in Search of the Holy Grail.
Color Purple?


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