Moving chicks into coop


In the Brooder
Apr 13, 2016
Newbie here, I have 4 week old chicks in a rubber maid bin in heated garage with lamp. Well, they are trying to hop out. There are 7 of them. Problem is is that it is still in the 40;s day time and 30's at night. When is it safe to move them to coop?
4 weeks 40 degrees? A bit too cold yet I'd say 5 to 6 weeks ok
I have mine outside but 75 to 85 day night 40 and they are 4 weeks with ecoglow 20 in coop if they need it and they use it at night still
I'm wondering too.

I've got 4wk old chicks too. They've got 2" long tail feathers but none on their heads yet. I'm guessing maybe another 2wks. hopefully. I do plan on running at least 1 and maybe 2 heat lamps in the coop at night for them. I hope some others will chime in here with some experience.
What you should have been doing is, starting at the end of the second week, taking the chicks outside for brief outings, for exercise and fun, but to acclimatize them to cooler temps. Increase the stays outdoors a bit each day, until they're remaining outside for a few hours at a stretch with no obvious signs of discomfort. At the same time, reduce the temperature of their brooder heat, removing it by the end of the fourth week. When they reach four weeks old, they should be well feathered from this program of acclimatization and you can move them into the coop, regardless of the cold temps.

But since your chicks haven't experienced cooler temps yet, get them started on a daily program of outdoor "field trips", and at the same time, cutting back on their brooder heat, eventually removing it all together. Over a week's time, they will be acclimated to cooler temps, and then you can move them into the coop, even if it's still just 40 degrees.

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