
9 Years
Mar 3, 2014
This is my first time raising baby chicks, though not my first time having chickens. We have had our chicks now for just over three weeks and they are doing great.
everything I read says to wait 6-10 weeks before moving them outside full time...but that seems to be because they won’t be able to keep themselves warm before that. I live in Texas. Our lowest nighttime temps right now are well above 80 degrees. Daytime gets into the 90s. I’m wondering if it would be safe to go ahead and move them outside full-time, being in such a warm climate, or should I start taking them out in short blocks of time to get them adjusted? Or just wait a few more weeks to do anything?
For reference, they are in our sunroom which keeps an ambient temperature in the high 70s/low 80s during the day. I have a heater in the brooder which they have not used for anything other than a roost for two weeks.
Yes, you should be fine to move your chicks outdoors much sooner than 6-10 weeks since it is summer in Texas. I would still adjust them gradually to make sure they can handle the hot temps during the day and are able to keep themselves cool. Have fun with them!
Early is fine this time of year in Texas. They'll be fine. On really hot days, I freeze a large, shallow pan, with water and set it out. It'll let them cool off by standing on it and drinking the ice water. If you want some fun, freeze some corn or others veggies in the ice block. They go wild getting them out.
This is my first time raising baby chicks, though not my first time having chickens. We have had our chicks now for just over three weeks and they are doing great.
everything I read says to wait 6-10 weeks before moving them outside full time...but that seems to be because they won’t be able to keep themselves warm before that. I live in Texas. Our lowest nighttime temps right now are well above 80 degrees. Daytime gets into the 90s. I’m wondering if it would be safe to go ahead and move them outside full-time, being in such a warm climate, or should I start taking them out in short blocks of time to get them adjusted? Or just wait a few more weeks to do anything?
For reference, they are in our sunroom which keeps an ambient temperature in the high 70s/low 80s during the day. I have a heater in the brooder which they have not used for anything other than a roost for two weeks.
Yes they will be fine to move outside especially in Texas
I am actually getting ready to do the same thing with my 6 week old Silkies and my 3 week old Barred Rock girls. I'm a little worried about them surviving this awful high heat and humidity we are having!!! I live in Louisiana so I completely understand the heat you are dealing with as we are under a heat advisory now. I have fans blowing in my pens so that helps but it is still HOT.
I am actually getting ready to do the same thing with my 6 week old Silkies and my 3 week old Barred Rock girls. I'm a little worried about them surviving this awful high heat and humidity we are having!!! I live in Louisiana so I completely understand the heat you are dealing with as we are under a heat advisory now. I have fans blowing in my pens so that helps but it is still HOT.
Make sure that they have lots and lots of water cooled i live in Northern Ohio and its only been in the 80's 90's during the day ive been filling there water bucket with ice and giving them watermelon ice cubes to keep them cool and mine are 20wks

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