Moving to the outside coop


11 Years
Oct 7, 2012
I have a quick question. I have a very secure coop and run that is fully enclosed and is partially enclosed with the older chickens coop and run so that they can get to know each other before I let them all together. I was thinking about moving my chicks to the coop and run within the next few days. the youngest of the 9 chicks are 6 weeks old. I live in northern california so the temprature will get in the upper 50's at night and mid to upper 80's this week. Is it too soon to move them?
The will be separated by fencing but can see each other to get to know each other before I put them together. I will have them separate for 3 to 4 weeks before introducing them slowly. I have 9 chicks and 8 adult hens mixed group. Older girls range from 2-3 yrs old.
I’d say they still need heat , especially at night . Not too soon but you have to be set up so no one squeezes threw anywhere, and no one gets stuck anywhere , a few pictures would give people here a chance to evaluate the set up better ...
Here Is the set up I have outside. The long coop at the end of one photo is the big girls coop and the last photo is the chickens whole area where the young girls will eventually be able to run about with the big girls.

IMG_7379.JPG IMG_7380.JPG IMG_7381.JPG IMG_7382.JPG IMG_7383.JPG
This is the big girls coop
This is the whole chicken area

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