Moving- with chickens and friends


7 Years
Apr 13, 2012
The Great State of Texas
Hello. Over the next months we will be relocating about six hours away (to Arkansas). We have 31 (3 are bantams) chickens, 5 and counting ducks, two geese, 3 goats, and of course, dogs and cats. I think the dogs, cats, and goats will be easy. But the bird hauling sounds like it will be, um, interesting*.

Question 1: What kind of crates should we use for the birds ( I was thinking cardboard style for the chickens)?

Question 2: Does every single bird need a health certificate or can we just take a bird from each flock?

Hello. Over the next months we will be relocating about six hours away (to Arkansas). We have 31 (3 are bantams) chickens, 5 and counting ducks, two geese, 3 goats, and of course, dogs and cats. I think the dogs, cats, and goats will be easy. But the bird hauling sounds like it will be, um, interesting*.

Question 1: What kind of crates should we use for the birds ( I was thinking cardboard style for the chickens)?

Not cardboard I reckon, proper wire and mesh with solid frames is best. Cardboard is easily broken and hard to secure without damaging it. Plus very few cardboards are strong enough while remaining ventilated enough. A solid floor or hardware cloth is best, with a bit of a lip around the edges, to stop toe breakage, which is one of the commonest results of traveling them on mesh floors or with mesh right down to the floor. On the other hand, suffocation and heat stroke and escaping are common enough results of traveling them in cardboard boxes. I've traveled my chooks enough times to lose count and they've become so acclimatized they don't even stop laying, lol, it's entirely possible for them to become 'easy travelers' like some dogs/cats/sheep/etc are.

Question 2: Does every single bird need a health certificate or can we just take a bird from each flock?

No idea, but doubt it, what a lot of kerfuffle that would be for transporting flocks. I think one from each flock probably but best to check with your local authorities.


Best wishes and good luck with your move.

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