MPC Super blue egg layer eggs


10 Years
Jul 18, 2013
Has anyone gotten the super blue egg layer eggs from MPC? I've been thinking about them and wonder if they differ from Easter egger egg colors or cream legbar blue eggs.
Are they a true blue or a robin's egg blue?
Following.. I'm wondering the same thing. Some pictures of older hens would be great too.

I've seen some pullet pictures, white with black or dark flecks. I'm guessing leghorn X blue egg layer. (which is why I'm wondering how blue the eggs produced are.)
Mine are 4 weeks old today- supposed to be 2 pullets and 1 cockerel. Based on behavior (with a for-sure cockerel) and physical attributes we believe the white chicks to be the pullets and the gray chick to be the cockerel. The cockerel definitely reminds me of a Blue Ameraucana.

The pullets have a funny little rounded tip to their wing feathers- not sure if that's a clue to which breeds are used or not. (last picture is of the wing)

Definitely looking forward to seeing what we get in the egg basket!

Cockerel day 26:

All three together, day 26

Wing tip of pullet:
I ordered eggs to hatch I'll post a pic of them tonight as soon as I get home to open them up
Mine are 4 weeks old today- supposed to be 2 pullets and 1 cockerel. Based on behavior (with a for-sure cockerel) and physical attributes we believe the white chicks to be the pullets and the gray chick to be the cockerel. The cockerel definitely reminds me of a Blue Ameraucana.

The pullets have a funny little rounded tip to their wing feathers- not sure if that's a clue to which breeds are used or not. (last picture is of the wing)

Definitely looking forward to seeing what we get in the egg basket!

Cockerel day 26:

All three together, day 26

Wing tip of pullet:

Can't wait to see what your eggs are like and how many they lay. If your cockerel looks like a blue Ameraucana and that is one of the breeds that MPC sells, I'm guessing he could be half Ameraucana and a white egg layer, perhaps leghorn. Your cockerel also has the slate/greenish legs of the Ameraucana. It will be interesting how the comb on all yours develop, but an Ameraucana has a pea comb, and I believe that would be dominant which could obscure what the other comb is or could be.
I'm not sure if they would use an Easter egger for the blue egg layer. They sell them and they could except an EE can lay other colored eggs and they probably wouldn't want to take a chance if they're selling them as Super Blue Egg Layers.
Well 24 eggs but only 3 are super blue layers. My shipment got list went from Ohio to Ohio to 3 different postal offices in California before arriving here in Texas today. They have been in transit since the 26th. So I'm not holding my breath for any to hatch. And although it was USPS fault not MPC they are reshipping my egg order for FREE on June 7th. The next available day for my assortment. CCL, SUPER BLUE, BLUE LACE RED WYANDOTTS, and Easter Eggers 3 of each. Then I have 12 croads langshans to that made it here in 2 days! More hope for those!
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Well eggs are sorted. They forgot to put my super blue eggs in there.
this has been an ordeal of sorts. I did get 3 pale blue cream legbars, 3 pinkish blue laced red wyandotts, 3 blue green easter eggers (green one is busted) and 14 (supposed to pinkish purple) croads langhans. Look more orange/brown lol. But they were all in great shape. So here goes.should hatch about May 23rd.

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