Mrs AKbirdbrain, your Easter present will be flying up tomorrow!!

Woooohooooo!!! Congrats Tori!!! That is the best news i have received today!!! Cute little critter eh!!! This is awesome!!!.........Jason
I would just like to add something really quick here...
Jason has blessed me with these little babies, but we were VERY lucky. These eggs are small, very small, and chances were very high that they would not hatch, which is why he does not sell eggs. His integrity is such that he feels like he would be stealing from people by taking money for shipped eggs that have an even lower likelihood of hatching than shipped chicken eggs. But shipping live birds to AK is very expensive, and of his own generous heart Jason sent me these eggs as a gift to see if we could hatch them. I don't know that I can ever repay him for trusting in me to do my best by them. All I can do is hope to pay it forward someday in the not-too-distant future. It's obvious he cares very much for his birds...
Thank you Jason. From the bottom of my fuzzybutt heart.
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

I would just like to add something really quick here...
Jason has blessed me with these little babies, but we were VERY lucky. These eggs are small, very small, and chances were very high that they would not hatch, which is why he does not sell eggs. His integrity is such that he feels like he would be stealing from people by taking money for shipped eggs that have an even lower likelihood of hatching than shipped chicken eggs. But shipping live birds to AK is very expensive, and of his own generous heart Jason sent me these eggs as a gift to see if we could hatch them. I don't know that I can ever repay him for trusting in me to do my best by them. All I can do is hope to pay it forward someday in the not-too-distant future. It's obvious he cares very much for his birds...
Thank you Jason. From the bottom of my fuzzybutt heart.

awhhh!!! I wondered why Jason didn't ship out eggs! That is the cutest reason evvverrrr! Nawhhhh
way too many awesome/genuine people on BYC it's enough to make your heart explode. Tori, you of all people would diserve those test eggs anyhow they went to a great home!
I also love how they were shipped to you (in easter eggs
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

I don't know that I can ever repay him for trusting in me to do my best by them. All I can do is hope to pay it forward someday in the not-too-distant future. It's obvious he cares very much for his birds...
Thank you Jason. From the bottom of my fuzzybutt heart.

Thank you very much Tori:hugs

I told you i had a good feeling that you would be a great candidate for the real "Alaskan Experiment!!!!!" Dont worry about repaying me at all, hatching those little ones is repayment enough and i know they are in a great home and will be cared for by a great person. I consider this a great success, and like Tori said, it was purely an experiment where NO money was exchanged so i would feel alright about sending some eggs out from my flock. Waterfowl eggs are very hard to hatch, especially when mailed great distances, not to mention the eggs usually go for really good money and the people hatching them, even though they know the consequences, feel cheated that they spent all that money and didnt get little or anything in return.

This is just awesome, my kids are about as excited as i am, they couldnt wait to hear the results!!!

Thanks again Tori!!!

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