Mrs. Kennedy's Stuffed Meatloaf


15 Years
Mar 19, 2008
Scenic Jackson New Jersey
Getting into the WayBack Machine for this recipe. When I was in the Army I dated this girl and her folks had me over for Saturday night dinner so they could meet me. Mrs. Kennedy made this dish with flank steak but it's so good using meatloaf. Hope you try it out.

Mis en Place

4 pounds meatloaf mix (1.5 pounds ground beef, 1.5 pounds ground pork, 1 pound ground veal)
3 eggs
1 cup chopped parsley
1 cup chopped bell pepper
1 bunch scallions finely chopped
1 cup grated carrot
1 cup chopped celery
1 cup bread crumbs
2 Tbls Herbs de Provence
1 Tbls Lemon Pepper mix
1/2 cup decent red wine (merlot will work, steal mine if you like)

2 packages Stove Top Stuffing mix
1 stick of butter (for the stove top)
1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans

13 x 9 pan

Oven preheated to 400 degrees

Combine meatloaf ingredients in a huge bowl, mix very well. I use my Kitchen Aid, it's the bomb
Lay out a very long piece (about 2 1/2 foot) of heavy duty aluminum foil (I use the restaurant style from Sam's must be about 20 inches wide). Prepare Stove Top per directions, let cool some. Lay out foil on a big flat surface, now spread out meatloaf mix onto the foil so that it goes side to side and laying the 13 x 9 pan near it push it out so it goes a little past the 13 inch mark. Carefully lift up the foil and center into the 13 x 9 pan. The meat will overlap the edges of the pan. Press down into corners and get it even. Now add the cooled Stove Top and then fold the SIDES of the foil over so the meat overlaps at the center. Move any excess meat from ends and apply where needed on top (this becomes so automatic after the first time). Push everything down into the pan so it's nice and even. Into that oven for about 45 minutes to an hour until it's nice and brown. Let cool 15 minutes and serve with mashed potatoes or home made buttered noodles.

The Bomb !! Thanks Mrs. Kennedy !!!

Before baking

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thank you !! new to computer ,sorta. ok, dont know how to use it very well.
as soon as this round of weather clears, i will be gathering the goodies. cant wait !!

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