Mt Healthy Hatchery

We have used Mt. Healthy for our 4-H kids' birds for many many years and have always been pleased with them, both for the meat birds and the other types (bearing in mind that a hatchery bird is never going to be of the same quality as a bird purchased from a breeder.) But for 4-H they've been excellent. Good quality, and the meat birds are much better than those I ever got from Ideal.
I realize I'm about 6 months late, but I realized that I knew what birds you had and thought I would let you know. The blacks with different colors are Mt. Healthy's Production Blacks. The multi-colored "mutts" are actually their Dixie Rainbows. Both breeds are crosses. I have ordered both before and they are great layers and very friendly birds. You can see pics of each on their website. I hope this helps.
We are trying to decide if we should buy from them, and when I google their name Salmonella outbreaks come up. Would that mean the chickens are carriers and the eggs can't be used raw ? For example in homemade mayo?

I ordered 25 R.I. red pullets. I got 26 and 1 died. 2 of them were roosters.
I ordered 75 birds from MT Healthy. I am nothing but pleased and just ordered 225 more. I buy them adn rasie them till ourdoor ready , then sell them. I love MT healthy. Cant wait till Thursday when I get my next order!!!
I've gotten meat birds from Mt Healthy for 4 yrs (2 through local Agway, last 2 direct order) and have been very happy with them, we had a 9# last year at 9 wks! Less problems and larger weights than from McMurray. Agway actually messed up on 2 chicks and they turned out to be Columbian Rock hens - they are nice and lay BIG eggs! I am putting in an order for pullets soon, and am excited to see how they turn out compared to McMurray. I've been very happy with them. I believe the salmonella issue can happen with any hatchery, it is common in chicks/chickens, especially when handling chicks. Wash your hands! I use my raw eggs in mayonnaise and cook sunnyside up eggs and have never had a problem.
I ordered 19 chicks and received 20. Not sure the sex and breed of the extra chick, but we'll see! They were hatched and shipped (according to the box) on Tue and didn't come to the PO here in NH until Friday:-( They were fine though and are still fine. Very happy with them so far, though it's only been 3 weeks:) They are friendly and curious, esp. the Barred Rocks. The Speckled Sussex are the most reserved, though I'm now spending extra time socializing them:)

My homeown is Dover... Kinda far from here now. MIss home like crazy cant wait till June!!1​

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