Much ado about a Drake (or two). Please help!


5 Years
Aug 18, 2014
Livermore, CA
Two weeks ago we introduced 2 WH drakes to our mixed breed flock of 9 girls.

Out of the blue yesterday the boys completely turned on our single Pekin girl! All the other ducks are fine, but they will not leave the Pekin alone! She was more dominant within the flock; I thought she just needed time to work the new dynamic out and that after someone mated her everything would be fine. Well, we've only seen that happen once, yesterday morning. And now it's like the Drakes both hate her and my husband thinks they will kill her if we leave it be. They aren't even trying to mate anymore, they just straight up attack!

We separated Peanut (the pekin) overnight but my husband says when he let the flock out this morning the boys ran straight for her! IDK if the separation is making it worse or better, and we have no idea what to do in the long term! What could possibly be going wrong here?
It may be that these two tag team artists may never leave her alone. Drakes can get a little crazy when their testosterone levels are high. You might try penning up the most aggressive drake and see if that helps. It is possible that they might severely injure or even kill her. If things don't calm down, it may be necessary to find a new home for her.
Oh, I would so hate to do that! We rescued Peanut a year ago and she has thrived in our flock ever since. I think I'd get rid of one of the drakes before I'd re-home her.

From looking at the forum, it sounds like most Drakes are pretty amped up on hormones right now. So I'm wondering if I can just keep them separated for a bit until things begin to cool down?

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