
Uh oh, did i start an argument?

The reason i asked about mulch is because i can get a truck load free right beside my house and i thought it would be beter than going out and buying lots of shavings. (very large coop)
Naw, just a good discussion!

If you can get it for FREE--I say, go ahead, just make sure it doesn't smell a lot (have a lot of aromatic oils, like cedar does). These can bother the chickens' lungs and apparently kidneys.

I use wood chip in my run, and in the coop when I can get really dry, non-smelly, non-moldy stuff. Once the stuff is mixed in with the poo for a while (about twice a year), I dig out a lot and put it directly on my garden. Note, I said directly. I'm a landscaper, and people worry way too much about too much/too little nitrogen/carbon, etc... If you're not tilling it into the soil, and it's not super high in chicken poo (like straight off the poop board) you really don't have much to worry about. I wouldn't throw it on new seedlings, but for established beds, it is just fine. BTW bark makes a super good soil amendment when it breaks down.
I use it and now have a lot of it as many pines fell during ice storms. I also have a chipper
that knocks it down 1/20 size (not much bigger than shavings). What I use in the coop
I cover with a tarp to keep it dry. I wouldn't use cedar that was mulched though.
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Sorry SunnyDawn, I didn't mean to sound upset, I wasn't, just like "huh??"

Sure, if you can get a truckload free and DRY IT OUT WELL, and it is too much for you to use on your garden, you can use it in the coop if you want.

Then, send a truckload or six to ME

Good luck, have fun,

okay so now another idea has popped in my head. theres a large pine forest behind the house, and i got the idea to try pine needles. they will be in my turkey coop, and part of a turkeys natural habitat is pine needles. so good idea? bad idea? what do you think?

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