Multiple Punctre Wounds from Neighbor's Dog... Please Give Suggestions

OUCH!! As painful as it looks those are mostly superficial wounds. Vetericyn is a good disinfectant but I found it can be a bit drying. I used Virgin Coconut Oil in conjunction with Vetericyn. Switched between the two. When her skin seemed dry I’d give her a good coat if VCO. If scabs came off I’d use the Vetericyn a time or two.
OUCH!! As painful as it looks those are mostly superficial wounds. Vetericyn is a good disinfectant but I found it can be a bit drying. I used Virgin Coconut Oil in conjunction with Vetericyn. Switched between the two. When her skin seemed dry I’d give her a good coat if VCO. If scabs came off I’d use the Vetericyn a time or two.
Do you recommend any aspirin for her pain? She also has a pretty gory spot on the backside of her neck that I'm hoping you can tell how bad it is. This is a photo after rinsing with saline solution.
Also how will I know if she has any internal bleeding/issues? I don't believe any of her bones are broken but she isn't pooping regularly. But she has been drinking when I offer it to her and has eaten a good amount of scrambled egg today.
If you upload the pict and leave it was am attachment I should be able to zoom in on it better.

You can give an 81 mg aspirin in 1 qt of water. The orange flavored chewables seem to be more palatable.
If you think she has internal bleeding though I would hold off. You can use the Neosporin with pain reliever in it. :::insert opposing comments here:::
To be on the safe side I wouldn't use it every time on every wound. There are conflicting opinions on if it's safe or not. But if you think she's in pain I would use that over aspirin water in case of internal bleeding.
My opinion! I'm no expert.
When my polish looked like that from the other chickens brutally trying to murder her, I just used polysporin, warmth, and lots of tlc. Just babied her til she perked up and make sure eating and drinking remained normal. Shes finally got all her feathers back now except one bald spot on her head but I'm just glad there was no brain damage
If you upload the pict and leave it was am attachment I should be able to zoom in on it better.

You can give an 81 mg aspirin in 1 qt of water. The orange flavored chewables seem to be more palatable.
If you think she has internal bleeding though I would hold off. You can use the Neosporin with pain reliever in it. :::insert opposing comments here:::
To be on the safe side I wouldn't use it every time on every wound. There are conflicting opinions on if it's safe or not. But if you think she's in pain I would use that over aspirin water in case of internal bleeding.
My opinion! I'm no expert.
Her neck wounds may need closed up. If you don’t want to do stitches (I don’t blame you) you could use steri strips. You don’t want to close it tight. More hold the skin together so it has the chance to meet up and grow together.
Most of the gaping wounds will granulate and fill in on their own as the wound heals. Dirty wounds tend to heal better from the inside out. Closing them with stitches can close up bacteria in the wound which may lead to abscess. I would not use neosporin with pain relief, just the plain kind.

Eating and drinking are good signs. It is still early in her recovery. I would just encourage her to eat and drink, and let her rest. A visit from a friendly chicken, or going to visit them in her dog crate would be good for her mood when she is feeling up to it.

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