Dr. Allen knows our feelings by now and is acting on them. As Duck_feeder suggested, swamping Dr. Allen with tons of mail will only be a distraction, putting a strain on their resources and slowing down the process they need to follow to move AHEAD. Look at the FWS website. and see there is not a massive staff and PR department . If you have specific data that could be used in the background of a new reg, including "Required Determinations" (information required of all federal regulations that state their impacts in very specific terms, from economic impact to compliance with the "Paperwork Reduction Act" to "...relationships with Native American Tribal Governments"), that may be helpful to them. Please follow the link from page one of this thread to see what the regulation looks like and what goes into it. These mandatory items are the components that make merely re-writing a regulation more difficult. Fortunately for us, most of those determinations likely woudn't need to change. Your empirical data, perhaps written in a similar format to the regulation, or even as a count-counterpoint format, may be helpful. Since there is no "United Front of Muscovy Interests," I think organizations such as APA may be our best bets for providing that needed information to FWS.

The problem is more a case of incomplete data than inaccurate data. I think it's unlikely that they didn't follow the proper procedure. But more importantly, I think it would expend precious time and resources trying to prove that they did. They have already expressed that they are willing to change the regulations and no matter what else is going on, have to follow protocol to write new ones. Lawsuits etc to stop the current regulation would just add an extra step.
I met someone yesterday who duck-hunts all the time, and he's never seen or heard of a feral Muscovy in his travels (I think he hunts all over California & maybe Oregon), but he did tell me a story about a Spallard (hybrid of Mallard & Pintail.. I forgot the S name for the Pintail).
He has it on his wall
. I wonder if anyone would take a Muscovy to a taxidermist.
I know BYC has members who hunt ducks, and probably some Muscovy breeders who use their culls for meat. At risk of offending anyone
What if the FWS, or whatever agency covers it, sold Muscovy tags for specific areas & seasons? (yes I am ignorant of how hunting works... removed from it by only one generation, sigh)

ETA: here's what I sent him, in answer to his form letter sent in reply to my first letter, which said that I have had muscovies, they did not fly, they were killed by a racoon displaced from her home by humans, that I would like to have more in the future, and to try adoption like BLM uses.
Subject: Muscovy duck law--can they be adopted? Like BLM Burros & Mustangs?
Hi George,
I'm sorry I missed seeing the proposal in 2008. I was not aware that they were more than a nuisance at some local parks, in fact the last time I was bothered by a bird at a park, it was a dumped pet goose that attacked us and caused us to flee, never returning to that park again. I have never seen a Muscovy do that. It does make sense that they would also be disruptive to Native & Migrant birds, who need all the help they can get these days.
My suggestions:
1. Allow owners of show birds to keep them and keep improving the breed. These are not the source of the feral birds; people who show their birds have invested heavily in their stock and will not be turning them loose.
2. Allow adoption of the feral birds that have become a problem. My mother adopted a BLM Burro, and I hear good things about the program from her.
3. Step up signage & enforcement of laws prohibiting illegal dumping, er, release, of ALL pet birds. This would be much more palatable than exterminating feral birds. And perhaps less costly, as well as more of a long term solution, as people who do not know about the law will still be obtaining Easter 'duckies' (and Chickens!) from other people who do not know about the law, and letting them go when they get too big.
4. I suppose selling permits to hunt feral Muscovies would be OK; then they'd go to good use, and generate revenue. This would have to be after the above suggestions are implemented.
5. My husband suggests a bounty. I fear that would generate outrage.

Thanks again, and please let me know if I can help.
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The lobbyist for the IWBA and the APA WILL go to bat for the standard bred bird because that is their bread and butter. There is no 'single voice' who is going to advocate for the utility Muscovy.

There are MILLIONS of Americans who own perfectly good DOMESTIC Muscovy that just happen to be utility and it would be a travesty for them to be left out because a few of the elite feel that they're inferior to their type of Muscovy and as a result see this as their opportunity to knock out the competition, so to speak, for their own personal financial gain.

Maybe we need to create a utility Muscovy organization that recognizes the practical attributes that the Muscovy possesses because there is absolutely no reason in the world that the millions who own your common utility Muscovy should not have a voice in this matter as they will be equally affected by this regulation.

I spoke with Dr. Allen yesterday. Everyone needs to step back and wait. He assured me that they are now aware of the exhibition and backyard flocks. He is working with the APA/IWBA to get this changed.
I sent this email to Dr. George Allen today:

Muscovy Ducks and Exhibition Poultry contact information

Friday, March 12, 2010 11:50 AM

From: "Jim A. Hall"
To: [email protected]

Cc: "Sam Brush" <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]

Dr. George Allen, Chief
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Division of Migratory Bird Management
Branch of Permits & Regulations
Arlington Square, MS 4107
4401 N. Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA 22203, USA
FAX# 703/358-2272 or 2217
[email protected]


Dr. Allen,

As per our conversation yesterday, here is the contact information for the American Poultry Association and the International Waterfowl Breeders Association.

The American Poultry Association (APA) current President is Dave Anderson. Effective April 1, 2010 Sam Brush will take office as our President. He is currently our Vice-President. Pat Horstman is the APA secretary. Their contact information is below. We appreciate you taking the time to listen to our phone calls.


Dave Anderson
1947 Grand Ave
Fillmore CA 93015
805.524.4046 (H)
805.524.5588 (W)
[email protected]

Vice President
Sam Brush
1009 Hillview Drive
Keller, TX 76248
817.229.1915 (C)
[email protected]
Pat Horstman
PO Box 306,
Burgettstown PA 15021
[email protected]


The International Waterfowl Breeders Association (IWBA)

James Konecny
10219 Heagers Bend Rd
Barrington Hills , IL 60102
[email protected]

Vice President
Walt Leonard
4721 Occidental Rd
Santa Rosa , Ca 95401
707 544 5103
[email protected]

Donna Street
P.O. Box 216
Rockford WA 99030
Phone 509-999-4073
[email protected]


Thank you for your time,

Jim A. Hall​
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Recieved this email this evening. It is my belief that we now have qualified people working on our behalf. We all need to allow the FWS and Dr. Allen time to change this regulation. Dr. Allen told me yesterday that the new regulations would not require any permits for exhibition or backyard Muscovy flocks.

Muscovy Ruling

Friday, March 12, 2010 12:50 PM

From: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

To: [email protected], [email protected]

Hello, I am informing all interested parties that the IWBA has put together documentation on the Muscovies history, many hours of work went into its preparation. The information in now in the hands of the USFWD, and we have our fingers crossed for a victory. We are confident, and appreciate all the concern this ruling has created. Updates will be available as we receive them.

Thanks- James Konecny-IWBA President and Donna Street-IWBA Secretary​
no permits for show or backyard flocks so the deal is done and finished . Thank you now I can go take my meds and sleep
I sent this link to my brother who actually works in D.C. in the FWS. He hadn't heard about it since he works in a different department. However, I have got him wondering what the heck is going on. He is at a meeting overseas for a couple of weeks and is going to look into it when he gets back. He too is a feather friend lover (I tease him with chicken pictures and stories of my chickens all of the time
, he keeps threatening to tell Mom

If I find out any "insider" info, I will share. I don't want any Muscovies, but I hate to see the rest of you miss out.
I'm glad to see this will eventually be resolved. I really think they didn't realize the impact this would have on so many people's lives. We don't have scovies as of yet but I know the rest of our ducks and other poultry are our PETS (all 80 of them) and my son would be devastated if we had to get rid of them because of problems that don't affect us or even our state. So it's good that the FWS is opening their eyes and ears to us.

That said, I've been looking for eggs since I heard of this and I am appalled at the number of people who are using this to make a quick buck instead of to further the breed to keep their bloodlines going (in the event that this doesn't get resolved). I had one guy email me and offer me a dozen eggs for $100. I didn't even pay that for full grown SQ silkies!!
I'm sure that this has been mentioned someplace in the 48 pages of pro duck protest, but is there a possibility of changing the status of the muscovy to "game bird." That would put muscovies on the same level as most pheasants and require people to get game bird permits before they could keep the ducks. As we all know beurocracy loves permits and silly little pieces of paper. Most communities that allow poultry also allow game birds, so elligibity for backyard keepers would more or less stay the same. The only change would be in the APA, as the species would no longer be considered poultry, perhaps there is someway around this. It seems to me that the biggest problem with the keeping of muscovies is the fact that there are wild populations naturaly occuring. Ringneck pheasants occur naturaly among much of the continental U.S. and a gamebird permit still allows the keeping of them. I'v never kept muscovies, but i hate to see years and years of some breeders work go down the tube because lawmakers don't understand. I also don't think that a blanket ban is the correct answer, i just don't think that a released muscovy would make it more than a couple weeks around here.

now that i wrote all that, i read that there's been a solution, i swear that happened since the last time i scrolled the page...
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