I just got an e-mail from the Waterfowl Rescue telling me of this Horrible Fate for the Muscovy. I literally almost cried. I had a Muscovy once, it died of old age,and I was thinking about getting some this summer. I have some names to contact, and first thing Monday Morning I will be doing so. What else can I do to stop this? I really want some Muscovies this summer to raise for pets. I unfortunately just got my letter, so I haven't read all of the responces on this forum here yet to see what is still going on. Please forgive me for it. And Again, what do I need to do??

This is all good but until the regulation is rewritten the old one will still stand on March 31. I am sure it is going to take some time (weeks, month etc) to get it changed. It took 1 and half yearsto get the regulation on the books now. From the fall of 2008 until now. Did he give you a timeline as to when the "new regulation" would happen? And how they are going to handle the regulations during this time frame, between March 31 and whenever the new date is?
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I was going to get some of these beutiful ducks in the near future!
(maybe) I have never seen any wild muscovy ducks and I think that laws like these are stupid. There are other ways this country can handle these problems, but all the "intelegent"
people that are in congress, think that if they write a new Law it will solve everything. This really makes me MAD
! I hope this all gets fixed as fast as possible!
The problem would be solved if Domestic Muscovies are exempted and only the wild type are regulated. I contacted NYS Ag and Markets And the DEC but haven't gotten a return. My calls were forwarded so many times I don't have the numbers of the people I'm supposed to talk to. I'll have to start all over when I get a chance. I talked to a poultry slaughter facility the other day. The owner told me the NYSDEC was already there telling him he needed gamebird carcass tags on any Muscovies killed after 3/31. Tom

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