muscovy and chickens

Coming in late, but I'm in suburbia and have 2 female Muscovies and 4 hens and they live together. I don't clip my girls wings, and my blue has been missing since yesterday morning. I don't regret not clipping - 1) my neighbors have enjoyed their flying, rather than minding (and I share all the eggs, and made quiches at Christmas), 2) I've always wanted to fly, myself, and these beautiful creatures were made for it, and 3) they can get the hell away from predators if the situation arises (and yes, my coop is predator proofed like crazy, as is my run).

I'm rethinking Muscovies in the city now that my blue is flying around. I think she's looking to mate/nest, and it just seems like the city isn't a great place for that ... but I also didn't raise her from hatch like I did my white, so she may just not be as attached.

I used 10x6 dog kennel panels for my run - its 30' x 10', and I used 2 other panels for an 'open' roof (the other section of roof is covered - plastic corrugated stuff). Works like a dream. We built a coop inside the run that is locked up at night - we built it as two levels - the 'first floor' for the ducks, and the upstairs for the chickens. Yeah, right - they all sleep together in the second floor, lol.

And I know you wouldn't let your birds be crowded :)

Good luck and enjoy, whatever you decide.
Coming in late, but I'm in suburbia and have 2 female Muscovies and 4 hens and they live together. I don't clip my girls wings, and my blue has been missing since yesterday morning. I don't regret not clipping - 1) my neighbors have enjoyed their flying, rather than minding (and I share all the eggs, and made quiches at Christmas), 2) I've always wanted to fly, myself, and these beautiful creatures were made for it, and 3) they can get the hell away from predators if the situation arises (and yes, my coop is predator proofed like crazy, as is my run).

I'm rethinking Muscovies in the city now that my blue is flying around. I think she's looking to mate/nest, and it just seems like the city isn't a great place for that ... but I also didn't raise her from hatch like I did my white, so she may just not be as attached.

I used 10x6 dog kennel panels for my run - its 30' x 10', and I used 2 other panels for an 'open' roof (the other section of roof is covered - plastic corrugated stuff). Works like a dream. We built a coop inside the run that is locked up at night - we built it as two levels - the 'first floor' for the ducks, and the upstairs for the chickens. Yeah, right - they all sleep together in the second floor, lol.

And I know you wouldn't let your birds be crowded :)

Good luck and enjoy, whatever you decide.
Oh duck crap. Duplicate postings and I have no idea how to delete.

Speaking of crap, it doesn't bother me. I just clean as necessary. And yes, we use baby pools. They do this cool 'torpedo' underwater swimming that is amazing to watch!
I thought muscovies didnt take to water like normal ducks is that not true?

I think it's overstated. They just won't float around or sleep on water like Mallard derived breeds do, but many DO enjoy a bath, diving, splashing etc.. even at young ages.

A clutch of mine from last summer...

I think it's overstated. They just won't float around or sleep on water like Mallard derived breeds do, but many DO enjoy a bath, diving, splashing etc.. even at young ages.
My girls and the juveniles like to bath, not usually even daily. They have a kiddie pool and a creek available. I swear my drake only gets wet when it rains. He sometimes looks a bit grungy until it rains. I've talked to him about it but he isn't receptive to my suggestions.
My girls and the juveniles like to bath, not usually even daily. They have a kiddie pool and a creek available. I swear my drake only gets wet when it rains. He sometimes looks a bit grungy until it rains. I've talked to him about it but he isn't receptive to my suggestions.


YOu & I must have some guy that is related... my oldest guy is just like that, whereas other drake is quite happy too. Our lone duck hatch from last year is a water hog, taking anything she can get feet on and turning it into a tubby moment, the fence by the horses trough is covered in ice because of her last bath.
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wow i didnt realize this thread was still going.
the problem of housing was solved, and all of the others.
We built a big chicken run about 6mx1.5mx1.5m and kept them in there while they were growing their flight feathers.
One morning they got out and i found them on top of the run, so I just clipped them carefully, avoiding blood feather places, i'll have to do it again soo though.
They just run free range in the property, its all fenced so its safe from dogs. i'm sure there arent any other predators here. they're getting along fine with the cats.
We bought a kind of trough/tray for a little swimming pond but havent been using it lately because of the dry weather here.

We'll be buying some chickens soon and putting them in the new run and keeping them in most of the time and keeping the ducks out all of the time.
bought a dog kennel cheap for them to sleep in at night.

the problem now is finding out if they're girls or boys. I heard that females can honk or quack when they get a fright and one does often, one slightly less, and one not at all. They're all the same size though.

here they are:

in this pic the one in front is the honky one and the one in the back is the one that makes no noise

back is the quiet one front is the less honky one

front is the less honky one

back is the loudest, front is Garry dont mind him, this was the best face pic of this duck

quiet one

I heard that the wild type are generally smaller, have more black, and have less face stuff
I was wondering if maybe I have them rather than, what ever the other type is

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