Muscovy duck hatched 5! Warm enough with her?


7 Years
Aug 23, 2012
Hi -

5 beautiful ducklings, now about 48 hours old. Happy with mama, in a secure outdoor coop with bedding, water, and crumbles.

My worry: it's getting down to 45 tonight. They'll be warm enough under mama, right? no drafts, but ventilation above.

I wasn't worried, but then panicked, reading some of the duckling threads, and that has made me anxious.

Someone put something up about ducklings DROWNING by drinking too much water? what the heck? They need water with their food, right? how can you not give them water access?

I figured that mama would be taking care of teaching the little ones . . . she's thrilled with them, and coos and grooms them all the time.

Input appreciated.


Hi Susan! If your duck hatched the ducklings outside and its been in the 40s while she was incubating them, they should be completely fine. Also, the drowning by drinking too much water really only applies to ducklings that have been shipped or otherwise separated from water for an extended period of time. Yours will not die from drinking too much water. However, that being said, they can still physically drown, so I`d recommend only giving them a chick waterier for the first few weeks.
Thank you!
I Knew this, but needed reassurance. I'll sleep better now :D
She's such a good mama. And yes, they've been incubated outside and she's been conscientious to the nth degree.
I'll post pics of the darlings tomorrow.
Again, thank you thank you!
Oh, and yes, chick waterer only. Boy those little suckers are determined to get their feet in there.
Aww, she sounds like a great momma! Definitely want to see pictures soon!
They'll be fine! mama is the best heat lamp going and frankly with 5 she can keep them warm, if she had a bigger brood that maybe an issue.

My last hatch came in Mar! so you wanna talk cold? below freezing... just 4 they did just fine, they are now 10wks old.. I did add a lamp later on but again it was winter so mama needed the extra help more than the babies.

A chick waterer will be fine and yes they most definitely need water if they have food, plus young should have access 24/7 anyways.

Congrats! would love to see pictures!
Congrats on the hatch and as stated, they'll be fine. I had a December hatch, but it was 13, so I provided extra heat since we had a lot of freezing temps and mom couldn't cover them all after a few days.

Duckling care info goes completely out the window when their mom is raising them. Mine had her's out in 28 F temps in the rain at 2-3 weeks old and they were fine.

Be careful of deep water. I lost 3 ducklings to drowning after they got into the kiddie pool (somehow) when they were about 3 weeks old. Shallow water, no problem. Mom should teach them all they need but some moms aren't as good as others. As long as she is attentive and not leaving them behind, I'd leave them be.

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