Muscovy hen moving eggs before going broody!


In the Brooder
Jun 2, 2019
I have a year old Muscovy hen who has layed her first dozen eggs in a clutch in the nesting box, but since she layed that 12th egg she keeps rolling several of them out of the nesting box. Is this normal for the hens to roll their eggs around before going broody?! She is protective of the eggs even though they aren’t in the nesting box anymore, but they aren’t in a nest at all. My other hen also did this with her clutch of 17 only nesting on 9 at the end of all her rolling them around. Should I keep moving them back into the nesting box?!
She’s choosing the best ones to concentrate on. She knows how many she can do. Just keep a eye on her and she will tell you when she is done with the choices. Good luck!
Should I collect the ones she has rolled out or leave them to see if she moves them back in again?
Interesting behavior.
I'd leave them. She obviously has an agenda, and wouldn't like you messing up her plan. Are there anything special with the eggs she's thrown out vs the ones she kept? Like if they're dirty or the oldest one?
Interesting behavior.
I'd leave them. She obviously has an agenda, and wouldn't like you messing up her plan. Are there anything special with the eggs she's thrown out vs the ones she kept? Like if they're dirty or the oldest one?
They all look the same as far as being dirty, etc. and I am not sure which ones she laid first vs. newer ones. Each time she layed one in the nest she buried it under the bedding and I didn’t label them with dates, but I will next time to see if that makes a difference since both my hens have done this now. She didn’t unbury and start moving them until after her 12th one was layed, and I’m assuming she is preparing to go broody and build an actual nest with them.
Mama knows which eggs are rotten and not fertile. Leave the eggs unless really starting to rot(if some are under her and are not fertile they will start to rot because they have been under her heat) still leave them there and get them after the hatch. Hope all goes well!

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