Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Aw that sucks.Our dogs get free reign of the property and do whatever they want none of them kill animals (excluding wild animals) except our dog Rex he's part wolf and he kills all animals he can catch.He eats them too.

He stays on a 100' line.
My dog would be somewhere in the next county inside of 5 minutes if we let him loose (Husky/chow mix) lol!!
My dogs well 3 of them are Mini dachshunds and they would most likely be eaten if left to run loose here.
The girls enjoy a good bug hunt
Aw their very cute!
My dogs well 3 of them are Mini dachshunds and they would most likely be eaten if left to run loose here. :(
Yeah I have two chihuahuas and they can't be outside for long the hawks stalk them way more then they do my flock.Apparently dog sounds better to them.And at night then you have to worry about owls. :(
My dog would be somewhere in the next county inside of 5 minutes if we let him loose (Husky/chow mix) lol!!
Yes he can't be off at all unless he is on a leash because he runs across our whole town and back in a minute or two. He is 1/4 timber wolf,1/4 arctic wolf,1/2 husky.
poult meant to tell you how much I like your coop, how in the world do you get everyone to get along. My geese would be trying to kill everyone and my drakes would literally be at each others throats. The chickens would be hanging off the ceiling
poult meant to tell you how much I like your coop, how in the world do you get everyone to get along. My geese would be trying to kill everyone and my drakes would literally be at each others throats. The chickens would be hanging off the ceiling :rolleyes:

Thanks! Well sometimes they get a bit mean but once they realize where the pecking order is at with each bird they get along really well my geese just don't like it when the chickens try and cuddle then they get a lot of nips at the face.My drakes never hurt anyone they do push the other birds out of the food dish when their hungry but they are really sweet I feel bad for them though because I honestly don't think any animal can understand them accept other muscovies.And the chickens never hurt anyone my roosters gave each other a real beating this morning though because my new rooster is trying to get adjusted.And then the bunnies are almost always hiding in some dark corner like little vampires but they will jump right in and eat with the chickens :idunno so I guess after a lot of adjustment they get use to having so many different species around they just go along with it.They are never meaner to each other then they would be to their own specie so i love keeping them all together and sometimes a cat or two will eat with the birds and bunnies too and my chihuhua Penny plays with them too.I honestly don't know how I get them to cooperate but they do and seem very content like that :) its kind of my thing to get all sorts of species to coexist.
@LadyHawkeAvry, your dog sounds like my great peir, Posy. She got out once and ended up wondering down to the end of our road, (about a mile) up the highway about another mile, and than down another road a few miles.
Not only that, but she also got into our neighbors trash. I can imagine how she (the neighbor) felt when she stepped outside to see an 80lb dog browsing through her garbage.

@Miss Lydia, what nice looking ducks you have there!

@poult, My uncle has a wolf cross that is VERY aggressive. He bit my Dad on the face, and every time I walked by the car he would try to attack me through the window. He eyes my chickens too, it makes me really nervous.
@LadyHawkeAvry, your dog sounds like my great peir, Posy. She got out once and ended up wondering down to the end of our road, (about a mile) up the highway about another mile, and than down another road a few miles. :rolleyes: Not only that, but she also got into our neighbors trash. I can imagine how she (the neighbor) felt when she stepped outside to see an 80lb dog browsing through her garbage.

@Miss Lydia, what nice looking ducks you have there! :love

@poult, My uncle has a wolf cross that is VERY aggressive. He bit my Dad on the face, and every time I walked by the car he would try to attack me through the window. He eyes my chickens too, it makes me really nervous.

Yes he can be a bit aggressive at times.So I can understand that.

Almost all of our big dogs weight at least 85 lbs.Our biggest have been like 120 lbs.
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