Muscovy keepers share your pics!

There's not a lot of chocolate in coco pops. That might be the saving factor.  I'd say keep an eye on them, make sure they have plenty to drink.

How much did they eat?

If anyone else can chime in on possible solutions, that'd be great.

I don't know what coco pops are but the animal itself isn't allergic to chocolate they actually are allergic to cocoa so now subtract the amount of milk and extra sugar in chocolate and you come out with a very little amount of cocoa in the whole coco pop & the likeliness of them getting a fatal toxic overdose of cocoa is extremely slim.So I wouldn't worry about it at all just don't go out of your way to feed them chocolate because you can't ever be sure of how much is in the chocolate unless you made it.
Hey everyone! I've been reading to catch up on what's going on and am feeling nostalgic. These past couple months have been stressful for me, mostly because I lost my lovely white muscovy hen, Indie.

We actually lost two ducks, Indie and a Swedish duck, to a massive owl that moved in. Despite the many chickens that it could have taken,it took the duck that I had to drive five hours for. I also ended up selling my muscovy drake so he could get himself a new girlfriend.

I was fortunate enough to have 8 eggs to attempt to hatch (I would have had ten had my sibling been a little more careful when setting the eggs down, that punk) and 5 hatched (three were really filthy from some terrible weather, so they rotted). It looks like most of them will be chocolate & white but one is mostly a beautiful fuzzy yellow. Hopefully he/she turns out to be pure white with blue eyes like Indie.

I'm going to be building a run connected to the coop that I can have covered with wire netting to keep my birds safe from birds of prey. Hopefully, afterwards, I can get some new muscovy ducks to raise alongside my babies.

I love the breed and miss having them around. Indie and Clyde were a power couple around here and they kept the flock in order. No one pushed them around and Indie was trying her hardest to be a mama.
I'm so sorry for the losses. :hugs Im sure the new ducklings will do much better now that you know that the birds of prey have become a threat :) I think my geese scare the hawks......
I'm so sorry for the losses. :hugs Im sure the new ducklings will do much better now that you know that the birds of prey have become a threat :) I think my geese scare the hawks......

They are all staying inside (and hopefully won't smell as bad when I finish selling off the other ducklings I hatched out from the other duck that was taken) until they are about a month old...maybe. I've been keeping them close and I let them sleep in my hair so they get accustomed to being around me.

I would trust the geese, but my dogs seem to have a vendetta against them now. Because the geese are so huge and are very obviously intimidating (they run around with their wings extended like they are running at you), my 13 year old boxer/shepherd mix Sandy absolutely hates them. She is terrified and has attempted to jump at them when they get too close. The same happened with the muscovies, actually, but she never hurt them. I think the most she ever did was pick them up (she managed to get her mouth very carefully around the start of both wings on the back) and move them to a new spot. I guess the geese are just too big for that. Maybe it's because she's too old to want to deal with them. She's probably insecure and grumpy.

Anyway, I'm going to need some new blood in about ten months. It looks like I have a couple pairs but I'll probably end up traveling again to get more males and females to mix with my babies. I'm slowly phasing out my other duck breeds so I can have only Muscovy ducks and maybe some call ducks. That'll be some time from now, though. Maybe next spring someone can help me find some. Or maybe this summer so Ican have a bunch of mature ducks next spring.
Hey everyone! I've been reading to catch up on what's going on and am feeling nostalgic. These past couple months have been stressful for me, mostly because I lost my lovely white muscovy hen, Indie.

We actually lost two ducks, Indie and a Swedish duck, to a massive owl that moved in. Despite the many chickens that it could have taken,it took the duck that I had to drive five hours for. I also ended up selling my muscovy drake so he could get himself a new girlfriend.

I was fortunate enough to have 8 eggs to attempt to hatch (I would have had ten had my sibling been a little more careful when setting the eggs down, that punk) and 5 hatched (three were really filthy from some terrible weather, so they rotted). It looks like most of them will be chocolate & white but one is mostly a beautiful fuzzy yellow. Hopefully he/she turns out to be pure white with blue eyes like Indie.

I'm going to be building a run connected to the coop that I can have covered with wire netting to keep my birds safe from birds of prey. Hopefully, afterwards, I can get some new muscovy ducks to raise alongside my babies.

I love the breed and miss having them around. Indie and Clyde were a power couple around here and they kept the flock in order. No one pushed them around and Indie was trying her hardest to be a mama.
I have a Male named indie, he's my baby!, i'm so sorry for your loss :( i hope that your swedish duck and Indie are healthy and happy where they are now

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