Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Thank you!! We just adore them. They are our first ducks.

We got the two muscovies, 2 rouens and a pekin. They had just hatched the day we got them so they are incredibly bonded with us.

Yesterday we picked up 7 little ancona babies...about a week old (can tell they vary in age a bit...I would guess 5 days for a couple and more like 8 or 9 for others). Super cute but so skittish. Only four of the anconas will be permanent the other three go to a friend in a few weeks.
Hello, new here! I recently picked up two baby Muscovies and was wondering if you guys could help me with color :)

the one in the second picture, the off grey/ brown one is gonna be blue, and it could have slight chocolate accent feathers as it gets older, probably from a blue fawn female and blue or black male

the baby in the first picture, does it have more of a darker brownish or is it more of a milk chocolate brown? i can't tell. if its a darker brown like a mallard duckling might have its black and white pied
if its a milk chocolate brown it could still be black and white pied but could hold the chocolate gene( it shows up in babies way more than adults) or it could be chocolate pied, the milk chocolate color can go either way
Thank you both!

Whatever color they end up is fine with us. They are such beautiful babies :)

Buck Oakes,
Kind of a mix. Back seems to be darker but the head is pretty light.
I've been trying to figure out what color my male muscovy is but I don't know much about the colors. Can someone please tell me what color he is?

(He's kind of dirty)

Also, his mature female is laying on 9 eggs. She is a black pied. What colors would their babies be?
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Thank you!! We just adore them. They are our first ducks.

We got the two muscovies, 2 rouens and a pekin. They had just hatched the day we got them so they are incredibly bonded with us.

Yesterday we picked up 7 little ancona babies...about a week old (can tell they vary in age a bit...I would guess 5 days for a couple and more like 8 or 9 for others). Super cute but so skittish. Only four of the anconas will be permanent the other three go to a friend in a few weeks.

Your very welcome! :) Aww how sweet!!! My Cayuga ducklings are also quite skittish even though I've held them every day since I got them. :idunno they were 1-3 days old I'd say.I have 2 adult Muscovy drakes which I got last year they were already 5-6 weeks old and very feral but have gotten quite calm over the past year.My cayuga's are almost 3 months old still shy but I can get pretty close before they run. :lol:
I've been trying to figure out what color my male muscovy is but I don't know much about the colors. Can someone please tell me what color he is?

(He's kind of dirty)

Also, his mature female is laying on 9 eggs. She is a black pied. What colors would their babies be?
I've never seen this color, could he be lavender pied? is his head white with a light blueish grey hue on the body?

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