Mute singer??? Is it possible?


In the Brooder
Jul 26, 2016
Hello. I live in rural Chile. It is spring here now. Mating season is just starting for all birds. I have a huge aviary for chickens, peacocks, and a separate space for canaries. I am new to canaries. I was gifted two girls (white) who are each two years old and are super happy and friendly. Sing all the time, play with each other and even with me.
I purchased a male canary two weeks ago from a pet shop, hoping to begin breeding my canaries. An odd thing about Chile is that male canaries are extraordinary rare. I bought literally second to last canarie available in all of my region. This is another reason I want to get into breeding. There seems to be a market for these song birds.

However, my boy appears to be a mute.

He seemed happy when I introduced him into the aviary. The girls took to him right away. He is friendly, eats and drinks well, flies well. But, he makes no sound. Not a peep. Now that spring rolled in, I see that he is trying to sing but no sound comes out. Now he just looks frustrated. He is often fluffed up and looks like he is screaming his little lungs out. But... not a sound.

What is that????

What do I do with him? Should he be culled? Should I keep him? Release him? Try to return him? Will the girls even breed with him if he can't sing?
Any ideas?
If this is his first attempt to sing he might be be trying to figure out how to do it while you would think it would be an instinctive thing just like a rooster turning at a crow first sounds like he's strangling himself I suspect much the same is true for your canary he's just trying to figure out how to do what he does I don't know if singing is necessary for breeding I believe if he puts on a good show singing or not Swoon the girls the song might be the last Act of the show lol

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