my 1000 post " tribute"

Happy 1,000th post Lacy!

Thanks for including me in your tribute.
Well your the coolest young lady me and Drumstick know. Your sweet,
an animal lover, fun to hang out in the chat room with, and you even laugh at
my jokes.

Drumstick sits and watches the chat room until he sees your name on the list. Only
then will I usually let him go in cause I know his big sister is in there to watch out
for him.

Thanks for being YOU.
Yes, number two!!! atleast I got something out of talking to you for
15 hours straight about nothing all this summer. Althought you might
be 1,000's of miles away from me Tay you are still one of my best
friends. And even though I have never met you face to face I know
I would still love you [As a friend *cough*] even if you are a crazy,
billy goat riding, red neck, chicken loving, girl.

Happy 1000th post

Have a good one.
Good thing that us chicken people aren't professional actors, because our Academy Award speeches would be hours long. We're just way too grateful and deep!

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