My $5 duck brooder


9 Years
Aug 11, 2010
Waterloo, South Carolina
I went to Walmart to get groceries and to check to see if they have pools in yet. Nope not yet but we do have 1 big one left from last year but its got a hole in it.
I went out to see the pool and the guy said it had been moved all round their compound this winter...let me get the Manager to see what price he can do for you
Manager comes over, takes pool down to the register and said its $30 but I can give you 10% off...I was like, how about I give you $10, he said no so then the brass neck kicked in and I said ok heres the deal I will give you $5 to take it out your way or you can move it round your compound for another year. DONE he said, its yours for $5

Oh and the hole in it...thats where the plug goes


And that is too funny about the plug hole! ROFL!!

What are you going to do when the babies start pushing over the edge of that thing? You may already have a solution but what I've seen (and did) is to cut up a cardboard box and make a ring around the pool. It doesn't have to be sturdy because if they can't see past it they won't even try. I just used packing tape to connect the pieces. Worked like a charm and when they were all done & went outside, I just threw away the by-then-gross cardboard.

Enjoy, and congrats!
Thats exactly what Im going to do. Im waiting to see if they will attempt to go up the slide or climb the steps, I hope not, but if they do ill just but cardboad box across to they cant.
I have pools outside for the ducks. I just wanted a big pool to use as a brooder untill the warmer weather comes then all ducklings will be outside living in the duck house but I will keep this 1 in the spare room for now
Brilliant!!! I love your bargaining skills
10% off for a pool with a hole in it was a bit stingy anyway IMO and the best thing is those two little look so happy in their new home.
Great deal! Thats what I use as a brooder too. I put one of those metal dog play-yards around mine to keep them in. Your babies are getting soooo big!

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