My 9/10 week old White Leghorn pullets & cockerels


7 Years
May 14, 2012
Northern Utah
practically silent. I'm pretty sure we have a roo or two because someone on BYC said so after seeing a photo. Anyway, they make very soft "peep peep peep" sounds. I've only heard a hint of a "bok!" when one pullet became separated for a short time.

I know WLHs are flighty in nature so do they keep quiet naturally or in a week or so will it be noisy out there?

"Peep peep peep" sounds so funny coming from a young adult looking chicken!
All of my youngsters were peeping until around 12 weeks. Now it's bawking. Not everyone started at exactly the same time, but they did all change, even the White Leghorn. No one is particularly noisy. You might miss the peeping when the cockerels start crowing. My EE started at 13 weeks. We found him a new home and are now catching up on our sleep!

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