my americauna wont lay

I have Silver Laced Wyandots, Marans and EE's - the EE's are the most unreliable layers. They took longer to start than the others and are more sporadic. I don't know which hen is laying which egg, but the egg colors are unique - so I know the one that lays the olive green egg only lays about once a week, and the one that lays the nearly white one lays twice a week. The blue-egger with the "wrinkle" also lays about twice a week. It is, of course, the dead of winter, so I am hoping production with go up with the advent of Spring.

The SLW are my best producers - by daily count, just about everyone must be laying nearly every day to give me the number of eggs I get from them. About half the Marans are laying. The Maran that lays the spotted egg lays about 5 days a week. About 10% of the EEs are laying. They are all the same age and are all together in the same coop/run with the same food/water/etc.

I have a 25 watt red light in a 16 x 16 coop that is on 24/7, but I don't think that is really bright enough to be called "supplemental light" for egg stimulation purposes. It's more so I can see well enough to bring them warm water in the wee hours before I go to work.
I presently have 3 EE's and they were the first to lay at 19 & 20 weeks. They don't lay as many as the BOs, BRs or RIRs, but I get 1-3 eggs each day from the 3 of them. I had 6 EEs with my last batch and they layed by 22 weeks and layed about like these do. Those I know were from Privett via the feed mill and they all layed green eggs, so almost blue & some the olive drab. The 3 I have now lay beautiful light green almost blue eggs, but I don't know what hatchery they came from. They are more blue when first layed. I guess I have been lucky.
I have one EE and at 34 weeks still hasn't laid an egg. Her other "sisters" (Barred Plymouth Rock, silkie, Buff Orrpington) have been laying for about 2 months. I have 2 cochins, but they are 8 weeks no eggs from them. We live in Southern California, so mostly sunny skies, but they do have added light in their coop, eat layer pellets, free range and get oyster shells. I am hoping for some green/blue eggs soon! The other girls lay almost daily...some double yolkers! Interestingly, the black silkie hasn't missed a day :) The EE is the most ornery of the bunch...not as friendly. My husband says she needs to go into the stew pot, but being vegetarians that isn't an option

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