My Attempt at a Dual Purpose Heritage Flock

I have been following this thread for a while and am super impressed with your results with the New Hampshires. Those birds look amazing!
I have 50 scheduled to arrive at the end of the month. Due to the website change I have reached out to Freedom Ranger Hatchery about the New Hampshire line and they assured me that the are the same line as before.
Thank you so much! And thanks for confirming that about Freedom Ranger. Good luck with your batch. What are your plans for them?
My plans are very similar to yours, I want a sustainable meat bird flock that lays fairly well.
I was thinking of getting light Sussex to go with the New Hampshires. They were second on my short list and should also make.a meaty sex link when crossed with the New Hampshires.
The main goal is keeping my freezer well stocked, if I get to the point that I’m selling anything that’s bonus.
My plans are very similar to yours, I want a sustainable meat bird flock that lays fairly well.
I was thinking of getting light Sussex to go with the New Hampshires. They were second on my short list and should also make.a meaty sex link when crossed with the New Hampshires.
The main goal is keeping my freezer well stocked, if I get to the point that I’m selling anything that’s bonus.
I think the light sussex would make excellent candidates for that pairing. And I am with youi on keeping the freezer stocked. With meat prices what they are, it's like gettin rich!
14/18 chicks have hatched here. 4NHs and i tihnk 6 sex link boys and 4 girls. i took 3 early quitters out of the bator and still have 1 egg in there that looks like a maybe when candled. I am happy woith this as a first batch. I will eat the sex link boys and any NH boys more than 1. The sex link girls I may eat or sell as started pullets depending on how they are growing.
The 12 chicks that hatched yesterday are in the brooder outside and seem to be doing well. the 2 that hatched this morning are still drying off in the bator. I will put them in the brooder tonight, and likely leave the bator on one more night to give that last egg a chance. Pics of chicks and brooder setup to come

After a quick recount, actually currently have 15! lol

This is my first time using the sweeter heater. So far it is perfect.


I think I have everyone figured out. The very light ones (6) are the sex linked males. The 4 darker ones with yellowish heads (towards the middle) are the sex link girls and the dar ones with the cream head are the NHs. I still have a NH and a sex link (I think girl) in the incubator drying off.
Excellent investment you made there.
Is it easy to lift to see under?
Thanks. When the Livestock Conservancy published me in their breeder directory, I figured it was time to treat myself and my flock.
I have it set up on a pulley, with the string running right to the door of the coop. I can actually raise it with just opening the top half of the dutch door if i wanted, so if the chicks scatter they can't run out. I will snap a pic of that next time i go check on them. Realized I didn't get a macro shot of the brooder.

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