My babies seem hot?????ANYONE??????


11 Years
Nov 24, 2008
I have 6, 3 week old baby mallards in my brooder....With a 250w red bulb..That only was on the back half of the brooder...But they still seem hot...They have their little mouths open like they are panting..So I move the light so now it only covering 1/4 of the cage..when can the light go off???
That pic was taken 1 week ago when they seem to like the heat..Now they dont act like that anymore...

PS..They are now twice the size they were!!!!

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Are they inside? They could have lost the light a week ago to be honest. Mine are 1 1/2 weeks and 2 1/2 weeks old, and haven't had any light for almost 2 weeks. This means that the youngest has never had anything but the room temperature and her week-older buddies to keep warm.
I agree. Mine are 1 1/2 weeks and I am going to take their light away this weekend. There isn't enough room in there for them to get away from the heat. If they are in a cold room, you could try a 60 watt bulb.
If they are panting they are definitely too hot.
Inside I only use a 100 watt light bulb.
250 watt is way too big for your set up.
Try a 100 watt light bulb.
I think it will solve your problem.
You should have a therometer in the box so you know what the temp is. From my own experience, that light looks like it is too close to them and I would bet they are too warm. Especially if they are in your house. I have mine in the barn with a light and it is three feet away from them and it stays around 85 degrees, but they have plenty of room to get away from the light if needed.

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