My baby chicks are dying and I don't know why ???


In the Brooder
Mar 22, 2024
I have a flock of 150 chick age = 7 days
some of them are opening their mouse and rasing there head to breathe as attached in pic and finally dying
WhatsApp Image 2024-03-24 at 12.36.28 PM.jpeg
How old are they? Why so many? Have you raised them before? Are you using a heat light and what is the temperature under the light? The light in the picture looks low. They should be 18 inches or higher than the chicks. Were these chicks who were shipped in the mail? They can suffer from shipping stress, which can cause hypothermia, dehydration, rough handling. Check for pasty butt where poop is stuck to the vent. Electrolytes and vitamins in the water for a couple of days would be good. Knowing your location would be good to suggest a necropsy.
How old are they? Why so many? Have you raised them before? Are you using a heat light and what is the temperature under the light? The light in the picture looks low. They should be 18 inches or higher than the chicks. Were these chicks who were shipped in the mail? They can suffer from shipping stress, which can cause hypothermia, dehydration, rough handling. Check for pasty butt where poop is stuck to the vent. Electrolytes and vitamins in the water for a couple of days would be good. Knowing your location would be good to suggest a necropsy.
1-they have one week now
2-it's a project of mine it's broilers chicken and I think I am loosing them and my money
3-yup but not that number before I have raised small group of 40 chicks
4-yup I using heat light and the temperature under light is 86 F
5-the light is not low it's just at this area cuz I separeted them here is the room in the picture
6-Yes we shipped them me and my dad since 1 week
7-yes there was pasty butt and I am solving it by removing it with warm water

I am from Egypt
and they have runny yellowish poop
I would make sure that they all are drinking and eating well. Temperatures should be lowered by 5 degrees F each week of age. I have never raised that large number of birds at once. Good luck.

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