My baby ducklings

Well, I let some kids that came over hold the ducklings, but they didn't listen very well and one of them dropped poor Waddles.
Some strict rules were put in place after that. I could have spoken up more when I saw that they weren't listening very well. I feel guilty still, even though that was almost two months ago. Poor little duckling.

That's awesome that you might get a friend for Lilly!
What breed will it be?
Aww sorry to hear! But it can always happen of course, they are so fragile when there are little.

We got a new one!:D he/she has no name yet but it is also a runner!
He is 1 week younger then Lilly but bigger. I but now they are together Lilly seems to eat more and also grow faster.
I will post some pics soon! :)
Yes she sure is! She was not growing very well but since she has a friend she is growing really fast! And I think her eye is getting normal as well :D
Just saw this thread. The blueish color on Lily's eye in the first set of pics is called corneal edema...very common with infection/injury and will resolve as the cornea regains its ability to keep fluid out of the tissue. If there is any white, it is likely scarring, which may contract (get smaller) and fade somewhat, but will always be there. Lots of times you can see around it if not too large.

I just got ducklings a few weeks ago myself--5 magpies and 6 golden 500 hybrids. The magpies got moved outside with the Toulouse goslings just this week. Really looking forward to moving the rest out so my air quality improves, messy little darlings!
Hey, thanks for your reply! Lilly is doing a lot better now! They are both growing hard and hopefully they will be able to go out soon, cause the mess they make... just bleh.. haha

How are your ducklings doing? Have any picss? :)

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