My baby girls ignore ants. What's up that?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 9, 2009
When I invested in my little girls (now 12 weeks old) it was in part with the expectation that they'd help control the ant population in my yard. As of this posting, ants are simply a mild curiosity; they look, they ignore, and they leave. Is there still hope? Or is to late for ants to become the delicacy I was hoping for?
Mine don't seem to pay much attention to them either. I wonder if it has to do with an ant's size. They only time my chickens will go to the effort to get an ant, is when it is carrying something. That's what makes me wonder if they are just too small for the chickens to notice. The ants here are super tiny though. I'm not talking about the huge Carpenter ants like what were in Michigan.

My chickens go nuts over cockroaches though, so I won't complain too much about their ignoring the ants.
My chickens ignore all the ants, from the ones the size of a grain of rice all the way up to the giant carpenter ants. I think they leave them alone because they bite. I think for bug control, guineas are your best bet.

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