my bardrocks ( 14months old) HATE my auracounas ( 3 months old)


8 Years
Apr 10, 2011
I am trying to introduce my 2 babies to my 4 existing hens. A couple of the older ones are aggresive. We just sectioned off the coop and will put them in there at night. Otherwise, I have the baby pen sitting outside the big pen so they can look at each other. Any other suggestions?
Just to wait until they're close to the same size. It will take a while for them to start to get along, and they may only ever just tolerate each other. It's the way of pecking order.
Sectioning the coop is the first step. It is best if the physical mingling is done when they are near the same size. So it could be several more weeks of them being in their own section of the coop and run.
My 2 bardrocks are the most aggressive of 2 New Hampshire reds, 2 golden sexlinks, and 1 americauna, maybe just a breed disposition?
Barred Plymouth Rocks are usually a bit bossy in the flock, but that's just them. They are rarely at the bottom of the pecking order. I love that breed and the barred variety in particular.

You have a huge age difference. That will never change and they will have to eventually establish a relationship, but the younger ones will never be over the Barred Rocks because they came later. They'll have to work it out and sometimes it looks rough.

As long as blood isn't drawn on the body of anyone, let them deal with each other. And be sure the younger ones have plenty of room to get away from the older ones and can get to the feed and water.
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