My Basic DIY Incubator

just got eggs from 2 friend's friend #1 gave me eggs, 11 o'clock double yolk ameracuna/blue andelusian mix, 12 o'clock and slightly hiding SFH, isbar 1'oclock, SFH at 3 o'clock, then 6 eggs one hiding lower pic, nieces/nephews of my avitar. (green) brown egg is my egg delaware/mix.

these eggs in diff incubator were too cold yet to go in other incubator. browm mystery egg, white blue andelusian egg. 2 isbars, center green egg is my egg, americuana mix.

I will candle soon to see which eggs are fertile.

just got these 2 roos to add to the mix, blue splash/blue splash frizzle white roo he is not frizzle-y, blue andelusian/isbar mix.
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I saw that video, she did have 2 healthy chicks from an egg and another double that only had one healthy chick. In my experience I have not gotten them past day ten. I had to remove the SFH egg because of a soft shell.
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(Day 6, round 2) GUYS GUYS GUYS I'm so excited a candled a few of my eggs today and I was getting a little discouraged but then I saw it!! I saw the spider formation on one of my light brown eggs! The embryo and veins! I didn't do them all I just wanted to see if I could see anything, but I'm so happy one is developing!! I'm not sure about the darker ones, I don't want to do them all right now, but this makes me happy!
Yayy congratulations!!! That's exciting

I know! I hope it hatches!! :D
Thanks for the tip! I tested this one and it seemed pretty accurate, but I will keep that in mind! I'm also going to add an old fashioned mercury thermometer to double check the temp, and I'll probably take it out right before lockdown to make sure no babies break it. Digital thermometers/hygrometers are okay, but you just can't beat the old fashioned ones! haha
I've also lowered the humidity between 30% and 40% as well. I'm really excited to try it!
Good luck with yours! :fl

If you use glass thermometer you can calibrate it with the ice water test to make sure of accuracy.fill glass with ice. And little water leave 10 minutes then put your glass thermometer in for 15 min not touching the glass sides or bottom. Should read 32.If it doesn't ....add or subtract that many degrees it's off when you use it.
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FOR NEWBIES...I POSTED THIS ELSEWHERE ALSO.Don't give up on eggs too quickly
Today i had a chick hatch. DAY 25!!! don't throw out those unhatched on DAY 22 eggs.Somebody might just be a late bloomer!

FYI I havee assisted many chicks over the last few years..some are totally healthy and grow in to healthy productive chickens.Some ppl choose to only deal with strongest that survive hatch Myself I can't see letting a healthy chick stay in the shell to die That said about 50% assisted you help out Have leg problems I haven't seen many other problems with assisted chicks myself.
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I just got eggs shipped in yesterday and wouldn't you know it I'm pretty sure one of the marans egg I received is a double yolker...not sure if I'm excited or worried about that lol. (This whole chicken thing is very addicting haha)

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