My beastly trio aka What are these girls that are supposed to be RIRs?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 17, 2010
Providence, RI
These were sold to me (at a feed store)as RIRs, but I didn't think they were. Took them anyway, called the hatchery and the guy there swore up and down that they are RIRs. They are about 8 or 9 weeks old now (have to check the calendar) and are huge - even bigger than my 14-week-old BA. Are they some kind of hatchery RIR or something completely different?




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Your right, they're not. But if you find out what they are i'd be happy to know. I have some that look like that, that I got from a man down the road. I"d like to know what they are myself. I have RIR's and they are a dark red. Some of them turned out to be mixed with what the great BYC'ers think may be speckled sussex. They're pretty though.
They look like New Hampshires to me. They definitely are not RIRs. Nothing to worry about though, they are very comparable as far as temperment and laying. I just prefer the RIRs. I like their coloring a lot better.
I don't think there New Hampshires either mine are 11 weeks old and look a lot more orangeish and much slimed too, yours seem to be more yellowish with dome dark feathers, I would think there some kind of mutt or maybe what VE said broilers.

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